- /pz/Engineering/Engineering Record Drawings_PDF/TXDOT Record Dwgs and ROW Dwgs/SH 205 Widening Project_Utility Improvements 2010/Disc 2/

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11/28/2007 12:05 PM 128075 Add On for s. sewer from heath st to project.pdf
7/5/2007 2:03 PM 139817 attachment two for sixteen inch water modification.pdf
2/25/2008 5:40 PM 64827 KAUFMAN STREET DETAIL FOR CUT & PLUG.pdf
11/28/2007 9:23 AM 215879 Lakeside Chev eight inch water extension COR add on.pdf
1/31/2008 1:48 PM 75030 lakeside chev water addition.pdf
1/4/2008 5:05 PM 513939 Ralph Hall-S.H 205.pdf
1/9/2008 11:44 AM 245598 Ralph M. Hall two inch water service details.pdf
1/9/2008 11:38 AM 86519 Ralph M. Hall two inch water service modification one.pdf
12/21/2007 5:28 PM 16909 RE_ Cut and Plug at Ralph M. Hall intersection with Hwy 205.pdf
11/28/2007 12:10 PM 128674 revised s.sewer on two o five north add on.pdf
12/21/2007 5:03 PM 168954 ten inch water connection at city hall drawing.pdf
1/10/2011 10:29 AM 23552 Thumbs.db