Subdivision Plats
Subdivision Plats
A plat or subdivision plat is a map drawn to a specified scale that shows the division of a tract of land. Plats generally indicate a lot and block designation for all lots depicted on the plat. Additionally, plats show the boundaries of all proposed easements, alleyways, and streets that are adjacent to or contained within the tract being subdivided or assembled. In order for a plat to be legally valid, it must meet the local subdivision and zoning requirements, be approved by the local governing body (i.e. City Council) and filed/recorded with the County.

In addition to subdividing and assembling land, there are many different reasons to plat property. These reasons can include but are not limited to the dedication of roads/right-of-ways, ensuring a property has access to a public right-of-way, vacation and creation of easements, dedication of parkland or other public uses, ensuring compliance with current zoning standards, and etcetera.

Below is a list of Subdivision Plat land use categories. In order to expand or shrink a category click on the '+' or '-' signs, and to open a subdivision plat in .pdf format click on the 'Subdivision ID'. Some files may take several minutes to load depending on the size of the subdivision plat and your browser.

Commercial Plats

ETJ Plats

Institutional Plats

Right-of-Way Plats

Residential Plats

Pending Plats

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Should you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (972) 771-7745 or email