Historic Preservation

What is the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB)?

The Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) provides recommendations to the City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission concerning historic preservation. The board consists of seven members appointed to two (2) year terms be the city council. The board functions as an advisory board for the purpose of maintaining the Historic District through reviewing applications for construction, alteration, removal or demolition affecting proposed or designated properties within the Historic District. Additionally, it is the board’s responsibility to review and approve Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications.

The HPAB typically meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the city council chambers at City Hall.

What are the qualifications of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) Members?

The appointed board members shall include: 1) An architect, planner or representative of a design profession, 2) A member of the Rockwall County Historical Foundation, 3) A general contractor, 4) An owner of property within a Historic District, and 5) Three (3) citizens of Rockwall interested in historic preservation.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) please contact the City Secretary’s office at (972) 772-6406.

What are the specific duties of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) Members?

Board members are responsible for performing the following duties:

1) Provide professional recommendations to the City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission as required, regarding site plans, building alternatives, and building plans proposed within the Historic District. The board shall review site plans and building elevations placed before them within the time frame allowed for processing applications prior to submission to the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The board shall prepare a written assessment of the proposed project regarding compliance with approved guidelines for development within the district, and its applicability in preserving and enhancing the history and culture of the district.

2) Research, document and maintain in the official files of the city detailed information regarding the original construction and architecture of the district.

3) Develop and maintain guidelines regarding development and redevelopment within the district including architectural design, material selections, building styles and other pertinent design considerations. The proposed guidelines shall be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for approval.

4) Adopt rules and procedures as necessary to provide for the orderly conduct of board meetings.

5) Recommend the boundaries of the Historic District.

6) Increase public awareness of the value of historic, cultural, and architectural preservation by encouraging and participating in public education programs developed by the Historic Preservation Office.

7) Provide recommendations to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council concerning the historic preservation impact of proposed, announced or commenced actions by federal, state or local authorities that affect streets, alleys, publicly-maintained utilities and any other public spaces, areas, improvements, other features or zoning within, around or through any district.

Why would a homeowner want to pursue listing a property as a contributing property in the Historic Overlay District?

Historic Districts foster homeownership and the residents within these districts tend to be vested within their community becoming long term residents. Additionally, property values tend to rise at a higher rate than unlisted neighborhoods. Finally, the City of Rockwall and the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) insures that the architectural integrity and historic value within the district remains consistent by reviewing proposed changes and additions.

For more information about the process of getting a property designated as a contributing property click here.

Helpful Links

National Trust for Historic Preservation: The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a privately funded nonprofit organization that works to save America’s historic places.

Texas Historical Commission: The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is the state agency for historic preservation. THC staff consults with citizens and organizations to preserve Texas' architectural, archeological and cultural landmarks. The agency is recognized nationally for its preservation programs.