Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Thursday, January 22, 2009, 9:42 AM. Drawing Sheet Set: This is a transmittal based on drawing sheets from the sheet set: Walgreens Rockwall. Sheets: 0 COVER SHEET C-1 GENERAL NOTES C-2 SITE PLAN C-3 PAVING AND DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN C-4 GRADING PLAN C-5 DRAINAGE AREA MAP C-6 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS C-7 STORM SEWER PLAN C-8 STORM SEWER PROFILES C-9 UTILITY PLAN C-10 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C-11 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C-12 PAVEMENT DETAILS C-13 STORM SEWER DETAILS C-14 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER DETAILS C-15 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER DETAILS Files: Root Drawings: 10cCover Sheet.dwg 10cGeneral Notes.dwg _10c-Site Plan-WG.dwg 10cPaving and Dimension Control Plan.dwg 10cGrading Plan.dwg 10cDrainage Area Map.dwg 10cDrainage Calcs.dwg 10cStorm Sewer Plan.dwg 10cStorm Sewer Profiles.dwg 10cUtility Plan.dwg 10cErosion Control Plan.dwg 10cErosion Control Details.dwg 10cPavement Details.dwg 10cStorm Details.dwg 10cWater and Sewer Details.dwg C-15 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER DETAILS.dwg Sheet Set Data File: Walgreens Rockwall.dst Sheet Set Support Files: 10cWater and Sewer Details_2.dwg XML Document References: 10cCover SheetGWS.xml AutoCAD Font Map References: acad.fmp AutoCAD Plot Style Table File References: KHA.stb TIF Image References: 0663_001.tif 0680_001.tif 0681_001.tif The following files were excluded from the transmittal: simplex.shx txt.shx dutch.ttf helsolid.shx X-TIMB1D.shx romans.shx arialbd.ttf complex.shx HELVL.shx arial.ttf ARIALBI.TTF ariblk.ttf romantic.ttf bigfont.shx romand.shx LIT-S.(shx,ttf) MED-S.(shx,ttf) LIT-S.(shx,ttf) romant.shx MONOTXT.shx hand.shx LEROY.shx ltypeshp.shx AECCLAND.shx dim.shx ALBR55W.TTF HAND2.shx TAHOMA.TTF The following files could not be located: TWC-CIV-LJ5100.pc3 gb-ld.(shx,ttf) LIT-S.(shx,ttf) MED-S.(shx,ttf) LIT-S.(shx,ttf) med-s.(shx,ttf) HLVBOLD.(shx,ttf) BLOCK6.(shx,ttf) Conversion: All drawing files were converted to AutoCAD 2004/LT 2004 format. Notes for distribution: Raster image files: Image paths were removed, so all image files must be placed on the AutoCAD search path, a project search path or in the same directory as the root drawing. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Plot Style Table Search Path directory. The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to: M:\CADD\Autodesk\2007\Library\Fonts\simplex.shx Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font. *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** The drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cCover Sheet.dwg' refers to a cache manifest XML file, zero or more cache files (.GWS) as well as raw data files. Please ensure the manifest XML file and cache files are unzipped to the drawing directory or your current MapCache directory. You may also need to update the cache manifest XML file to point to the unzipped location of the data files. *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cGeneral Notes.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\_10c-Site Plan-WG.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cPaving and Dimension Control Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cGrading Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cDrainage Area Map.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cDrainage Calcs.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cStorm Sewer Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cStorm Sewer Profiles.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cUtility Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cErosion Control Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cErosion Control Details.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cPavement Details.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cStorm Details.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cWater and Sewer Details.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\C-15 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER DETAILS.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237001-Walgreens Rockwall\10cWater and Sewer Details_2.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10cCover SheetGWS.xml