Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Thursday, February 14, 2008, 2:36 PM. Drawing Sheet Set: This is a transmittal based on drawing sheets from the sheet set: Toyota Rockwall. Sheets: 1 3533-C00-CS - Layout1 2 3533-C01.0-GN - Layout1 3 3533-C02.0-DC - Layout1 4 3533-C02.1-Coords - Layout1 5 3533-C03.0-GP - Layout1 6 3533-C03.1-GP - Layout1 7 3533-C03.2-GP - Layout1 8 3533-C03.3-GP - Layout1 9 3533-C03.4-GP - Layout1 10 3533-C04.0-DM - Layout1 11 3533-C04.1-Calcs - Layout1 12 3533-C05.0-EC - Layout1 13 3533-C05.1-EC - Layout1 14 3533-C06.0-UP - Layout1 15 3533-C06.1-UP - Layout1 16 3533-C06.2-UP - Layout1 17 3533-C07.0-PP - Layout1 18 3533-C07.1-PP - Layout1 19 3533-C07.2-PP - Layout1 20 3533-C07.3-PP - Layout1 21 3533-C07.4-PP - Layout1 22 3533-C07.5-PP - Layout1 23 3533-C08.0-DT - Layout1 24 3533-C08.1-DT - Layout1 25 Toyota-Rockwall FINAL PLAT - Final Plat Sheet 1 26 Toyota-Rockwall FINAL PLAT - Final Plat Sheet 2 27 Toyota-Rockwall FINAL PLAT - Preliminary Plat Files: Root Drawings: 3533-C00-CS.dwg 3533-C01.0-GN.dwg 3533-C02.0-DC.dwg 3533-C02.1-Coords.dwg 3533-C03.0-GP.dwg 3533-C03.1-GP.dwg 3533-C03.2-GP.dwg 3533-C03.3-GP.dwg 3533-C03.4-GP.dwg 3533-C04.0-DM.dwg 3533-C04.1-Calcs.dwg 3533-C05.0-EC.dwg 3533-C05.1-EC.dwg 3533-C06.0-UP.dwg 3533-C06.1-UP.dwg 3533-C06.2-UP.dwg 3533-C07.0-PP.dwg 3533-C07.1-PP.dwg 3533-C07.2-PP.dwg 3533-C07.3-PP.dwg 3533-C07.4-PP.dwg 3533-C07.5-PP.dwg 3533-C08.0-DT.dwg 3533-C08.1-DT.dwg Toyota-Rockwall FINAL PLAT.DWG Sheet Set Data File: Toyota Rockwall.dst Sheet Template Files: SheetSets\Architectural Imperial.dwt AutoCAD Drawing (External) References: Support\MT-Seal.dwg Support\293533cBOR-22x34.DWG Base\293533cSIT.dwg Base\293533cTOP.dwg Base\293533cUTI.dwg Base\293533cSTD .dwg Base\293533cGRA.dwg Support\293533cBOR-24x36.DWG Base\293533cPRO.dwg AutoCAD Font Map References: acad.fmp AutoCAD Color-dependent Plot Style Table File References: PlotCfgs\Hibernia_Civil.ctb PlotCfgs\KRW 24x36.ctb AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File References: PlotCfgs\Oce TDS600-6.pc3 PlotCfgs\DWF6 ePlot.pc3 JPEG Image References: Support\1072284165_2TessLogo-PageSize.jpg Images\1072284165_2TessLogo-PageSize.jpg Images\Rockwall Logo.jpg The following files were excluded from the transmittal: Fonts\simplex.shx Fonts\txt.shx Fonts\LIT-S.shx Fonts\ROMANS.shx Fonts\gb-ld.shx Fonts\bigfont.shx Fonts\romand.shx Fonts\ARIAL.TTF Fonts\x-opta1s.shx Fonts\ler.shx Fonts\TIMES.TTF Fonts\ARIALBD.TTF Support\MT-Seal.dwg Fonts\sanss___.ttf Fonts\ARCHQUIK.shx Fonts\bold.shx Fonts\ltypeshp.shx Fonts\helvbold.shx Fonts\special.shx Fonts\PW.shx Fonts\swiss.ttf Fonts\helvopen.shx Fonts\CCS.shx Fonts\romant.shx Fonts\GREEKS.shx Fonts\GARA.TTF Fonts\Bookos.ttf Fonts\BELL.TTF Fonts\complex.shx Fonts\ariblk.TTF Fonts\HM-LD.shx Fonts\LEROY.shx The following files could not be located: Images\ TIM.(shx,ttf) 010-UFLPL1a.dwg dgn003.(shx,ttf) Conversion: The following drawing files from AutoCAD R14/LT97/LT98 or earlier were converted to AutoCAD 2004/LT 2004 format in order to remove xref or image paths: Base\293533cSTD .dwg Base\293533cGRA.dwg Support\293533cBOR-24x36.DWG Base\293533cPRO.dwg Notes for distribution: .DWG external reference files: External reference (xref) paths may be present. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. eTransmit does not include files required by xrefs unless they are also required by the root drawing. In particular, plot style tables and overlay xrefs that are not used by the root drawing are omitted Raster image files: Paths may be present on references to raster images. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. .PC3 printer configuration files: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Printer Configuration Search Path directory. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Plot Style Table Search Path directory. The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to: C:\Documents and Settings\linthicumra\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2007\R17.0\enu\support\simplex.shx Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font.