Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Thursday, January 22, 2009, 9:25 AM. Drawing Sheet Set: This is a transmittal based on drawing sheets from the sheet set: 68237002 - PVD. Sheets: C-0 Cover Sheet C-1 General Notes C-2 Demolition Plan C-3 Tree Mitigation Plan C-4 Pecan Valley-P & P C-5 Quail Run Road Paving Plan C-6 Quail Run Road Curb Profiles and Paving Cross Sections C-7 Paving Details C-8 Mass Grading Plan TCP-1 Traffic Control Plan C-9 DAM C-10 Storm Sewer and Inlet Design Calculations C-11 Stm Swr Culvert ''A'' and Line ''C'' P&P C-12 Stm Swr Culvert ''B'' P&P C-13 Storm Sewer Line ''D'' and ''E'' P&P C-14 TxDOT MC-8-13 C-15 TxDOT MC-MD C-16 TxDOT PW C-16A TxDOT SW-0 C-17 TxDOT FW-S C-18 TxDOT PR2 C-19 TxDOT RAC-1 C-20 TxDOT RAC-2 C-21 Sanitary Sewer Line ''A'' Plan and Profile C-22 Water Line A P&P C-23 Water Lines ''B'' and ''C'' P&P C-24 Conduit & Sleeving Plan C-25 SWPPP Site Plan C-26 SWPPP Details C-27 SH 205 - Restriping Plan C-28 TxDOT TCP(2-1)-98 C-29 TxDOT TCP(2-3)-03 C-30 TxDOT TCP(3-1)-98 C-31 TxDOT TCP(3-3)-98 C-32 TxDOT TCP(7-1)-98 C-33 TxDOT Barricade Standards (1 of 12) C-34 TxDOT Barricade Standards (2 of 12) C-35 TxDOT Barricade Standards (3 of 12) C-36 TxDOT Barricade Standards (4 of 12) C-37 TxDOT Barricade Standards (5 of 12) C-38 TxDOT Barricade Standards (6 of 12) C-39 TxDOT Barricade Standards (7 of 12) C-40 TxDOT Barricade Standards (8 of 12) C-41 TxDOT Barricade Standards (9 of 12) C-42 TxDOT Barricade Standards (10 of 12) C-43 TxDOT Barricade Standards (11 of 12) C-44 TxDOT Barricade Standards (12 of 12) C-45 TxDOT PM(3)-00A C-46 TxDOT PM(4)-03 C-47 TxDOT PM(6)-01 Files: Root Drawings: 10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVD.dwg 10c-1General Notes-PVD.dwg 10c-2 Demolition Plan-PVD.dwg 10c-2_TreeMitigationPlan-PVD.dwg 10c-3 Pecan Valley Drive-Paving-P & P.dwg 10c-4 Quail Run Road-Paving Plan.dwg 10c-4a Quail Run Road - Profs & Cross Sections.dwg 10c-5a Paving Details-PVD.dwg 10c-6 Mass Grading Plan-PVD.dwg 10c-TCP-PVD.dwg 10c-7 Stm Swr-DAM On-Site.dwg 10c-7 Stm Swr_Calcs.dwg 10c-9 Stm Swr PVD-P & P.dwg 10c-10 Stm Swr QRR.dwg 10c-11 Stm Swr Lift Sta-P & P.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-1_MC-8-13.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-2_MC-MD.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-3_PW.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-3A_SW-0.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-4_FW-S.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-5_PR2.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-6_RAC-1.dwg 10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-7_RAC-2.dwg 10c-X1 SanSwr Line A-P & P.dwg 10c-X1 Water Line A-P & P.dwg 10c-X1 Water Line B-P & P.dwg 10c-X2 Conduit & Sleeving Plan.dwg 10c-XX1 SWPPP 1-PVD.dwg 10c-XX2-SWPPP-2-PVD.dwg 10c-XX4 SH 205-ReStriping Plan.dwg 10c-TxDOT TCP(2-1)-98.dwg 10c-TxDOT TCP(2-3)-03.dwg 10c-TxDOT TCP(3-1)-98.dwg 10c-TxDOT TCP(3-3)-98.dwg 10c-TxDOT TCP(7-1)-98.dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (1 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (2 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (3 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (4 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (5 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (6 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (7 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (8 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (9 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (10 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (11 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT Barricade (12 of 12).dwg 10c-TxDOT PM(3)-00A.dwg 10c-TxDOT PM(4)-03.dwg 10c-TxDOT PM(6)-01.dwg Sheet Set Data File: 68237002 - PVD.dst Sheet Template Files: Plot Override.dwt XML Document References: 10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml AutoCAD Font Map References: acad.fmp AutoCAD Plot Style Table File References: KHA.stb monochrome.stb TIF Image References: Rockwall BFR.tif mc813ste.tif MBC C-I-P Misc Details.tif pwstde01.tif sw-0stde.tif fw-sstde.tif rlstde35.tif racste01_Page_1.tif racste01_Page_2.tif XX_SR_205_aerial.TIF tcp2-1.tif tcp2-3.tif tcp3-1.tif tcp3-3.tif tcp7-1.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_01.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_02.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_03.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_04.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_05.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_06.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_07.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_08.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_09.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_10.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_11.tif BARRICADE 1-12_Page_12(1).tif PM(3)-00A.tif PM(4)-03.tif PM(6)-01.tif JPEG Image References: PVD aerial.jpg The following files were excluded from the transmittal: simplex.shx txt.shx dutch.ttf helsolid.shx X-TIMB1D.shx romans.shx arialbd.ttf complex.shx ariblk.ttf arial.ttf romantic.ttf HELVL.shx romant.shx ltypeshp.shx AECCLAND.shx x-hlvm1d.shx dim.shx HAND2.shx LEROY.shx helopen.shx ITALIC.shx OUTLINE.SHX hand.shx MSIMPLEX.SHX ALBR85W.TTF italicc.shx TIMES.TTF ROMAND.shx romanc.shx ALBR55W.TTF The following files could not be located: TWC-CIV-LJ5100.pc3 Univers 47 Condensed Light.(shx,ttf) simplex1.(shx,ttf) solid.(shx,ttf) FRI-LJ5200.pc3 FRI-TDS600-ROLL1.pc3 Conversion: All drawing files were converted to AutoCAD 2004/LT 2004 format. Notes for distribution: Raster image files: Image paths were removed, so all image files must be placed on the AutoCAD search path, a project search path or in the same directory as the root drawing. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Plot Style Table Search Path directory. The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to: M:\CADD\Autodesk\2007\Library\Fonts\simplex.shx Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font. *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** The drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVD.dwg' refers to a cache manifest XML file, zero or more cache files (.GWS) as well as raw data files. Please ensure the manifest XML file and cache files are unzipped to the drawing directory or your current MapCache directory. You may also need to update the cache manifest XML file to point to the unzipped location of the data files. *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-1General Notes-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-2 Demolition Plan-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-2_TreeMitigationPlan-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-3 Pecan Valley Drive-Paving-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-4 Quail Run Road-Paving Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-4a Quail Run Road - Profs & Cross Sections.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-5a Paving Details-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-6 Mass Grading Plan-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TCP-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-7 Stm Swr-DAM On-Site.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-7 Stm Swr_Calcs.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-9 Stm Swr PVD-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-10 Stm Swr QRR.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-11 Stm Swr Lift Sta-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-1_MC-8-13.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-2_MC-MD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-3_PW.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-3A_SW-0.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-4_FW-S.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-5_PR2.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-6_RAC-1.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10C-StmSwr-TxDOT-7_RAC-2.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-X1 SanSwr Line A-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-X1 Water Line A-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-X1 Water Line B-P & P.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-X2 Conduit & Sleeving Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-XX1 SWPPP 1-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-XX2-SWPPP-2-PVD.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-XX4 SH 205-ReStriping Plan.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT TCP(2-1)-98.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT TCP(2-3)-03.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT TCP(3-1)-98.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT TCP(3-3)-98.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT TCP(7-1)-98.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (1 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (2 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (3 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (4 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (5 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (6 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (7 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (8 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (9 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (10 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (11 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT Barricade (12 of 12).dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT PM(3)-00A.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT PM(4)-03.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'K:\FRI_Civil\68237002-Pecan Valley\10c-TxDOT PM(6)-01.dwg'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** One or more data or cache files could not be included with the drawing 'M:\CADD\AUTODESK\2007\Library\TEMPLATES\Plot Override.dwt'. Please contact the sender. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\R17.0\MapCache\10c-0 Cover Sheet-PVDGWS.xml