- /pz/Engineering/Engineering Record Drawings_PDF/Private Development Record Drawings/Lofland Lake Estates/

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5/21/2007 8:51 AM 391363 FP1- Final Plat.pdf
5/21/2007 8:51 AM 749491 FP1.pdf
5/22/2007 7:46 AM 614179 FP2-Final Plat -TXDOT.pdf
5/22/2007 7:45 AM 945788 FP2-TXDOT.pdf
5/21/2024 8:01 AM 614179 Lofland Lake Estates No 2_FP-TXDOT.pdf
5/21/2024 8:01 AM 391363 Lofland Lake Estates No 2_FP.pdf
5/21/2024 8:01 AM 441770 Lofland Lake Estates No 2_Replat of Lots 7&8.pdf
5/21/2024 8:01 AM 945788 Lofland Lake Estates_FP-TXDOT.pdf
5/21/2024 8:01 AM 749491 Lofland Lake Estates_FP.pdf
5/21/2007 8:52 AM 441770 RP1- Replat of Lots 7&8.pdf