Youth Advisory Council




The purpose of the Rockwall Youth Advisory Council is to provide participation by local youth in municipal government. The YAC takes initiatives directed toward effective change that benefits local youth and provides positive community impact through organized participation in various city sponsored activities and events.



The City of Rockwall’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) was established by resolution of the city council. Youth Council by-laws


How do I apply for the Youth Advisory Council?HOW DO I APPLY TO SERVE?

You may pickup an application at City Hall (385 S. Goliad) or you can submit your information online.

Online Application





Being on Youth Advisory Council has been an incredible experience. Not only have I learned so much about government and representation at the local level, but I have met so many wonderful people. From City Council meetings to conferences, YAC has been a wonderful chance to work on social skills and interacting with all sorts of people. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years on YAC."

- Blake Dwyer
 former YAC member

I have been on the Rockwall Youth Advisory Council for two years, and it definitely has exceeded my initial expectations. I have met some very talented young leaders from our community, and I’ve learned much about the comings and goings of municipal government. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in politics or social work."

- Chase La Rosa
 former YAC member

This past year on the Youth Advisory Council has been a great one! Not only have I had the chance to meet an amazing group of young adults, I had an opportunity to work with amazing adults and city representatives who helped us throughout the year! Learning more about our city’s government and getting to help take actions to further our community is a blessing. I look forward to the next two years in YAC as we gain more awareness and change our community for the better!"

- Caroline McCallum
 former YAC member

Rockwall YAC has been an enlightening opportunity for me. Because of YAC, I have developed a greater understanding and appreciation of my local government. It has given me the opportunity to have a voice in my community. I have met city representative and other students from different schools that have given me a broadened perspective of Rockwall. YAC is great for anyone interested in the workings of local government and becoming a more involved citizen. I look forward to YAC this year!"

- Nicole Yancy
 former YAC member